On the road again, stopping by the Tianbian Grassland Youmu Tribe sightseeing spot.
Following road G331, we ended up in the Tianbian tribe sightseeing spot. This is only a few hundred meters from the Russian border, and you could see a small town on the other side. I see the houses in Ergun city; the design and even colours are more Russian than Chinese.
Minibus to the spot
In Tianbian Grasslands, we parked the caravan in the muddy parking lot and started to look for transportation to the sightseeing spot. The ride by minibus from the parking lot was fast-forwarding, and we arrived at the place. The wetlands surround the whole area, and as usual, Inner Mongolia is green and clean. In the distance, you could see a Russian village, maybe some kilometres away, and with the phone zooming in, we could see the houses on the “other” side of the border. It would be nice to pay a quick visit, but it is a no-go this time. I spent a few hours here and needed to head for Manzhouli for the evening.
Recommended links
Traditional music from Inner Mongolia
Sightseeing review
Our experience
- Grasslands and nature
- The swing
- The slide (was scared that with my mass I will hit the wall)
- You can see the Russian border town
- Nothing negative
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