Visiting the Russian circus in Manzhouli
Another sightseeing spot at road G331 named 186 Caidaihe
We continued by road G331 and found another spot for activities. There are so many places in Inner Mongolia where you can go horseback riding, enjoy spectacular views, and do other activities.
Here, the main thing for the kids was the lamb. I was feeding the lamb from the feeding bottle, and I think that was some milk tea. Strangely, we have bows and arrows in Finland, but the girls hardly use them. Now, when needed to pay, they are eager to shoot every time they see it 🙂
To the farm, we took a tractor with two yurts installed on it and played local music, which sounded very nice.
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Activities review
Our experience
- Rocking and rolling yurt
- Tractor barrel train
- Kids vere able to feed some lamb
- Arrow shooting
- Milk tea and BBQ in the Yurt
- No bad experience from this place
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