Here we have a collection of the campgrounds in China that we have visited.
Tried to Geocode:
Error Type:
Please be sure to follow the tutorial on how to setup the Google APIs required for the Advanced Google Map Widget.
Google Map API Key TutorialCollecting accurate data on campgrounds in China presents several challenges. Many campgrounds are not listed on Google Maps or Baidu Maps. Furthermore, accessing Google Maps requires a VPN in China, and even then, its accuracy can be off by 50-100 meters.
Therefore, if a map link leads to an incorrect or empty location, it is not unusual. Baidu Maps, on the other hand, often uses older satellite images compared to Google Maps, which can further complicate navigation. Additionally, the English names of campsites may not always be accurate, but I have identified the corresponding Chinese names to help address this issue.
A collection of usable apps for travelling in China can be found here. Unfortunately, most of them are only in Chinese limiting the usage if you don’t have the language skills.
What we have used to find all the small and also the bigger campsites is the
Information about the APPs for the road. Most of them are only in Chinese but iOS Maps works well and in English.
There is no APP available in English for finding rentals, campgrounds or services. These are the most commonly used APPs and some of them have also a WEB site. In China, people are heavily familiar with the APPs on their phones and seldom use the internet to search for what is needed. When I talk about my WEB site with locals, everyone is asking what APP it is.